Tag Archives:child

Poverty may affect the developing brain through chronic stress

Socioeconomic disadvantage, which is prevalent in the United States and worldwide, is consistently associated with lower academic achievement and higher risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Exposure to socioeconomic disadvantage during childhood can leave long-lasting imprints on

Supportive relationships in children and adolescents facing political violence and mass disasters

《超能。在儿童和Adol支持关系escents Facing Political Violence and Mass Disasters

In the context of mass trauma events such as political violence and natural disasters, children and adolescents are inherently more vulnerable to maladjustment and psychopathology than adults. Despite this, many adolescents tend to survive, even thrive, suggesting

A role of characteristics of hospitals in the prevalence of childhood undernutrition on admission

Characteristics of patients and nutritional status at 3 different hospitals. AoS

Undernutrition in children is one of the important global health issues. In the developing countries, the main cause of undernutrition is an inadequate nutritional intake due to the poverty. On the other hand, in developed countries, dieting

Talking about childhood music: A twin study

Talking about childhood music

To what extent do childhood experiences of music practice influence thinking about music later in life? We could get an idea about this if we talk about childhood music memories while physiological recordings are made concomitantly. If we observe that there are clear

High-quality interactions with caregivers linked to larger vocabularies among toddlers born preterm

In the United States, approximately 1 in every 10 infants is born preterm. The smallest and youngest of these children at birth are at risk for delays in their development. For example, as a group, these children are

Psychiatry, Women’s Mental Health and Child Protection. Dubai, UAE. August 26-27, 2019

Lexis Conferences welcome you to Dubai, UAE; the most populous and largest city focusing on modern architecture with extravagance shopping and exuberant nightlife scene. Middle East Meetings on ‘’Psychiatry, Women’s Mental Health and Child Protection’’ slated on

How well do parents understand sexualised behaviour in their children?

While school-based programs are commonly used to help children protect themselves from sexual abuse, these programs tend to rely on children themselves to prevent and report sexual abuse. This asks much (perhaps too much) of the child.

Child sexual abuse research quality needs to be improved

Child sexual abuse is a significant worldwide problem which results in major negative individual, family and community consequences. In response, prevention programs have become commonplace in schools. Given the evident seriousness of the consequences of sexual abuse

The community-based management of child malnutrition in Zambia

Acute malnutrition (wasting) remains a major global public concern and a public health priority in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially in countries where high prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection and food insecurity coexist. There are two forms of acute malnutrition:

Cochlear implantation in children with auditory neuropathy

Hearing loss is one of the most common disorder that can affect newborns, with a rate of one affected child on every 1000 births. A normal speech development is desired for these patients and can be reached

It’s time to leave the wilderness

Child Neurologists are the specialists who take care of children with diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. Some of those conditions include epilepsy, migraine, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and autism. Child Neurology was recognized

Body weight and age may predict severity of obstructive sleep apnea in children

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children is a common clinical problem that causes obstruction to breathing during sleep. Affecting one in ten children, the growing prevalence of this problem has attracted national attention. The hallmark of OSA

Imperforate hymen in a sixteen-month-old child

The hymen is a solid membrane located at the entrance into the vagina. The most common form is the annular hymen with one central opening. However, there are several other variations such as the microperforate hymen, hymen

Prior surgical abortion as independent risk factor for preterm birth

Preterm birth is the number one cause of perinatal mortality in many countries, including the US. Defining risk factors for prediction of preterm birth is an important goal for several reasons. First, identifying women at risk allows

Markers that predict treatment response to inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma

Asthma is a common chronic condition caused by inflammation in the tubes that pass air in and out of the lungs. When asthma is poorly controlled, children cannot breathe normally, cannot play and exercise, and may have