Daily Archives:January 21, 2016

人类多巴胺D1受体键解锁signal transduction

Our body organs, such as the brain, are made of different cells that talk to each other by releasing natural chemicals outside the cells. The free chemicals then attach to specialized proteins named receptors, which are anchored

Fatty liver disease: a condition caused by modern day lifestyle

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) refers to the build-up of fat (steatosis) in the liver that occurs in the setting of obesity and/or diabetes. Specifically, other causes such as alcohol excess or drugs or genetic conditions need

Maximising the frog biodiversity surveys in looking at tadpoles

Amphibians are organisms very sensitive to environmental changes such as habitat lost, appearance of new pathogens, pollution and climatic changes among others. Facing these threats efficient conservation plans must be worked out to protect this fauna (as

Utrasound-guided core-needle biopsy in thyroid nodules: 676 cases with surgical correlation

Thyroid nodules are a frequent problem. Most are benign, but up to 15% of them are malignant tumours. Ultrasound is the indicated technique to explore thyroid and search for nodules. When a nodule is discovered and it

A case of meningo-vascular syphilis associated with bilateral anterior cerebral artery aneurysms

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum, a bacterium of the order of spirochetes, with human beings as the only host. Recently, the drastic increase in the incidence of syphilis worldwide, especially in urban

New, innovative educational tool to promote HPV vaccination

Each year, nearly 14 million Americans become infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cancer. While there is a vaccine against the virus, vaccination rates in the United States are disappointingly low,

Personalising meditation with the help of brain research

Therapeutical approach such as meditation (an ancient mind–body practice) that specifically targets stress and associated with it risk factors through regulation of self-related processes may hold potential for lessening the burden of chronic diseases, slowing and possibly

Revised Baux score and updated Charlson comorbidity index associated with mortality in burn patients

A severe burn injury induces significant systemic physiological imbalances. This may lead to subsequent complications, organ failure and death. In the United Kingdom, severe burn injuries (covering at least 15% of total body) leading to substantial hospitalisation