

图1所示。A和B - T1加权冠状位MRI(对比后)和T2加权冠状位MRI(未对比)显示左侧额旁矢状面病变被水肿的半球间区包围。在皮质区和皮质下区,t2加权序列上均可见明显的高强度(B)。对比后,可以注意到左侧额叶和半球间区明显的轻脑膜增强(a)。C和D - MRA和mri - 3d重建显示两个ACAs远端A2段有2个动脉瘤。右侧动脉瘤直径约5mm,左侧动脉瘤直径约3mm,位于A2发育不全同侧段的末端。活检后进行的E - T1加权冠状MRI(对比后)显示既往手术的迹象,左额叶开颅和下腔。在先前的神经影像学调查中,没有额叶皮质肿胀被证实。对比后,轻脑膜增强持续,沿额叶和半球间区延伸。

我们报告一个41岁的非洲男性病例,由于最初未得到治疗的头痛恶化而接受我们的观察,其首次出现是在大约10年前。临床检查表现为轻度抑郁情绪,左颞区疼痛和耳鸣。脑CT/MRI显示左额叶模糊病变(图1)。,A-B) and a MR-angiography (MRA) revealed two aneurysms occurring at both anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs) (Fig. 1., C-D). Microbiological and histopathological data proved consistent with the hypothesis of meningovascular syphilis (Fig. 2., A-F). The patient was treated with antibiotic therapy. Follow-up at 4 months did show a stable clinical picture.

梅毒螺旋体通常在梅毒感染的继发性和晚期侵入中枢神经系统。神经梅毒可以表现为广泛的临床特征;其中,在我们的病例中,脑膜炎血管(动脉)梅毒代表了一个合理的假设:它平均发生在初次感染后7年,其病理特征包括动脉内膜炎和中小口径血管周围炎症(分别为Heubner和nissl -阿尔茨海默氏型)。随后的管腔狭窄易导致脑血管血栓形成、缺血、血管闭塞和梗死。这就解释了为什么脑膜炎血管性梅毒最常见的表现是涉及大脑中动脉(最常见)或基底动脉分支(第二常见)的中风综合征。出现亚急性脑病前驱症状,其特征是头痛、眩晕、失眠和心理异常,如人格改变、情绪不稳定、失眠、记忆力下降。

图2所示。A-F -组织化学和免疫组织化学结果。增厚的纤维化脑膜,坏死和闭塞的血管被炎症浸润包围(A: H&E染色,原放大4倍);明显的纤维壁增厚和明显的管腔狭窄(B:马松三色,10倍);动脉壁内弹性纤维扭曲(C: Weigert染色,10倍);丰富的血管周围巨噬细胞/组织细胞(D:抗CD68抗体染色,10x)和淋巴细胞炎性浸润(E: LCA免疫染色,10x);相邻皮层层组织紊乱和反应性胶质瘤(F: H&E, 10倍)。活检标本与主要累及脑膜血管的慢性炎症过程一致,并与提示神经梅毒的血清学数据相符。注意:实验室检测结果:梅毒螺旋体血凝(TPHA)血清样本检测呈阳性(1:80)。荧光密螺旋体抗体吸收(FTA-ABS)试验显示最低程度的反应性(1+),检测到总抗密螺旋体抗体(I.C.=16); antitreponemal IgM were negative. Total protein levels in CSF were high (66.8mg/dL). Then, the patient underwent new serological tests that confirmed the presence of total anti-treponemal antibodies (I.C. ranging from 6.2 to 8.9). TPHA proved positive again (1:5120) and VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) test was weakly reactive. While awaiting the results of new laboratory studies of blood and CSF, we consulted an infectivologist that recommended oral antibiotic therapy with amoxicillin, possibly followed by specific anti-treponemal therapy with intravenous penicillin 20 MU/day for two weeks, depending on the outcome of the aforesaid microbiological investigations. CSF testing showed a cytometry of about 0.3 L/mm3 and substantial negativity of other parameters (TPHA, FTA-ABS, anti-treponemal IgM and total antibodies), apart from the high value of proteins (66 mg / dl). Blood serum sample still tested positive for TPHA (1:2560) and for FTA-ABS (2+); total anti-treponemal antibodies (I.C.=4,6) were detected and antitreponemal IgM were 0,4. Serological test for HIV was negative. In light of these results, no evidence of an actual activity of the disease in CSF was pointed out. Thus, according to the opinion of the infectivologist there was no indication to treatment with penicillin intravenously; the patient took amoxicillin orally instead, until his discharge, and then assumed dexamethasone and rabeprazole.

梅毒相关性动脉瘤比较少见,多发生在颈动脉、大脑中动脉、大脑前动脉、前后交通动脉和基底动脉。据我们所知,这是首次报道2个霉菌性动脉瘤累及两个ACAs。尽管许多病例仍无症状,但大多数症状性真菌性脑动脉瘤表现为与破裂相关的症状,如:严重的持续性局部头痛、头晕、癫痫发作、精神状态改变和蛛网膜下腔出血相关的局灶性神经功能缺损。脑真菌性动脉瘤的诊断是基于神经影像学的使用(非对比CT扫描、增强CT血管造影、MRI和常规血管造影),在存在易感感染性疾病的情况下,最终通过外周血或感染动脉瘤壁和脑脊液(CSF)检查的阳性培养来突出。Treponemal tests such as the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) and the Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA), highly sensitive and specific in advanced-stage syphilis, can produce persistently positive results, known as ”serological scar”, that should be followed up longer due to the possible existence of other treponema reservoirs.




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