Daily Archives:January 18, 2016

Replacing diseased arteries: are we close enough?

Medical device technology has advanced to an extent that artificial heart, kidney, arteries, and prosthetic limbs are available as commercial market products. It is now a matter of choice for the patient and the surgeon to choose

Roots of risky decisions in drug dependence

Decision-making is a key activity of everyday life. Consequently, disturbances in the ability to make appropriate decisions or anticipate their possible consequences can result in massive social, medical, and financial problems. In the Iowa gambling test developed

Applicability of alkaline hydrolysis at medical waste

Although definition of medical waste (MW) is not universal and relatively variable worldwide, it can be defined as “all the waste generated by healthcare establishments, research facilities and laboratories”. This waste is a small fraction of total

Morgellons disease: the search for a perpetrator

Morgellons disease is a poorly understood skin condition associated with Lyme disease. Patients suffering from the disease often have spontaneously-appearing, slowly-healing skin ulcers and may have crawling or stinging sensations in their skin. They may have one

Foraging gone wrong: a case of poisoning from wild mushrooms

A previously healthy 52-year-old woman presented to the emergency department in early August with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Approximately 12 hours earlier, she had harvested wild mushrooms from a local park with her husband, who

Bioengineered human pyloric sphincters with functional muscle and nerves

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a hollow tube that primarily functions to mediate the digestion of the food that we eat into forms of energy and nutrients that the cells and our body can use. The appropriate

Prevention of thromboembolic complications using intermittent pneumatic compression in major brain surgery

Deep venous thrombosis is the most common adverse event after brain surgery ranging from 3 – 26%. We introduced an electric device for the compression of the legs to reduce the risk of thrombosis in the leg

Demyelination and remyelination signalling in multiple sclerosis as an aid to targeted therapy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterised by demyelination. Demyelination, i.e. damage and erosion of the myelin sheath which protects the nerve fibres, occurs in the white matter of

快速电特性的生物ogical cells using an old idea of Maxwell

In his treatise, James Clerk Maxwell (1873) did not only derive his famous equations but he also provided the mathematical description of the direct current (DC) resistance for dilute suspensions of shelled spherical objects. At his time,

From palliative to curative treatment – a case of stage IV mucinous colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the world and in Sweden, next to breast cancer and prostate cancer. In Sweden, more than 6,000 people are diagnosed with CRC and around 2800 people die