Daily Archives:January 17, 2016

The thymus: a small organ with a mighty big function

The thymus lies in the chest behind the breastbone and above the heart. Relatively large in infancy, it increases in size until puberty and thereafter shrinks to only a few grams in old age. It consists of

How can cancer cells use hydrogen peroxide to strive?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a well-known antiseptic used in our homes since the 1920s. But did you know that our cells produce this molecule and that at low concentrations H2O2 instructs our cells to do different things,

“Chemobrain” prior to cancer treatment? The cause is probably cancer-related post-traumatic stress

Cancer patients often complain about deficits of attention, memory, and other basic cognitive functions, which considerably impact on their lives. Long time, these problems were simply attributed to side effects of chemotherapy and have therefore been termed

Comparing type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians in India and in the United States

While members of all ethnic groups are at risk for type 2 diabetes, the risk in people of Asian Indian decent seems to be especially high. This is of critical importance because the Asian Indian population is

Later school start times improve sleep in high school students

Research conducted over the past four decades has shown that acquiring adequate sleep is a component of normal growth and development during childhood and adolescence. Adequate sleep is needed to achieve optimal mental and physical alertness, daytime

A holistic human health assessment of pharmaceutical treatments

Present-day economy looks more and more to environmentally sustainable products and services in order to safeguard the future of our society. Not only is an environmentally-friendly product better for the planet, it frequently goes hand in hand

Nitric oxide trigger apoptosis in the brains in Border Disease

Border disease is a pestivirus infection accompanied by central nervous system (CNS) and skeletal abnormalities in sheep and goats. Affected fetuses and newborn animals exhibit brain disorders. This study investigated the relationship between the severity of the