Daily Archives:May 30, 2017

Cerebral small vessel disease burden is increased in lupus

The chronic inflammatory disease lupus can involve the brain, including increasing stroke risk for reasons which are not fully understood. Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is a disease of the blood vessels in the brain that can

Listening to identify and improve communication in individuals with hearing loss

People with poor hearing may not realize their condition or the impact on their life. They can feel anxious, depressed, isolated, misunderstood or embarrassed, but when this information is not shared, their diagnosis is delayed. About 17%

Determination of regions involved in amyloid fibril formation for Aβ(1-40) peptide

Mechanisms of amyloid formation of Aβ peptide are studied intensively. Determination of regions responsible for aggregation of the peptide and formation of amyloid fibrils is one of the primary aims in studying the formation of such structures.