Daily Archives:May 17, 2017

Surrogate endpoints for overall survival in lung cancer patients treated with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade

Anti PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies are becoming key therapies in the treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Surrogate endpoints for overall survival (OS) such as tumor response and progression-free survival (PFS) are useful to detect drug efficacy earlier,

Fingernails – a window into the world of disease

If our eyes are the windows into our soul, our fingernails can be viewed as windows into our health. The finger nail plate and its surrounding supporting structures (the fingernail unit) (Fig. 1) is an often overlooked

Growing-up in a stressful environment affects the levels of glutamate in the hippocampus in adult depresses subjects

Mood disorders are emotional disturbances consisting of prolonged periods of excessive sadness, excessive joyousness, or both. Exposure to harsh parenting practices or to maltreatment during childhood can increase individuals’ vulnerability to mood disorders and the severity of

Fish migration: a simple mathematical description

Diadromous fishes migrate between rivers and seas, and are key drivers of surface water ecosystems and food webs. Analyzing migration of diadromous fishes is therefore a core for assessment of surface water systems from both biological and