Daily Archives:March 23, 2017

Measuring motivation in Parkinson’s disease through the eyes response to money

Apathy or a lack of motivation is a disabling condition making patients feel that they “just can’t be bothered to do things”. Apathy is very common in Parkinson’s disease, affecting up to 70% of patients and causing

Do children with Autism Spectrum Disorder understand the representational meaning of the eye gaze?

Gaze following is crucial for human social cognition, this ability develops from a low-level perceptual mechanism to a representational one. In typical development, between 6 and 12 months, infants perceive the gaze as a directional cue that

Candidate gene analysis of osteochondrosis in Spanish Purebred horses

Equine osteochondrosis (OC) is a frequent developmental orthopaedic disease (DOD) with high economic impact on the equine industry. The multifactorial origin behind its aetiology, including genetic, vascular or biomechanical influences, as well as other environmental factors such

Ankylosing spondylitis: what you should know about spinal fractures

The aim of this review article was to provide the required clinical knowledge that radiologists need to know and the relevant radiological semiotics that clinicians require in diagnosing clinically significant injuries to the ankylosed spine. Ankylosing spondylitis