Daily Archives:April 4, 2016

Combining paper-based electrochemistry and mass spectrometry

Electrochemistry / mass spectrometry ( EC / MS ) has many applications in science and industry such as drug discovery, elucidation of redox mechanisms, identification of drug metabolites, and online chemical derivatization for improving analytical figures of

Botulinum toxin for depression: Does patient appearance matter?

Most people know Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) as “the stuff that people use to make them look younger.” Botulinum toxin is a “neurotoxin” produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. When injected in small amounts, it causes weakening

An “appealing” small virus

In 1975 in London , an australian researcher, doctor Yvonne Cossart has detected by immunological procedures a new virus in the serum of a blood donor; the name of the blood pocket was B19 so this virus

Visual information signaling threat gains privileged access to consciousness

At any moment in time we are submerged in an overwhelming amount of visual information. If our brain had to consciously process all the information reaching our eyes, it would take us a lifetime just to read

Genetic differences in elite rugby players and the general population

We have known for many years that genetic variation is important in understanding any physiological trait and contributes substantially to the way people develop. Height for example is estimated as being ~80% determined by genetic variation with