Daily Archives:September 30, 2015

Protein import into the mitochondrial and hydrogenosomal matrix

Cells, the basic unit of life, can be divided into two major classes: the prokaryotes (cells that have their genetic information freely floating with them) and eukaryotes (cells with internal compartments, one of which holds the genetic

Electricity generation from microbial fuel cells

In an important step towards the development of “wastewater power plant” and “bacterial batteries”, a new study published in the journal of “Bioresource Technology” developed a facile strategy to improve the power output of microbial fuel cells

Multistep food plant processing at Grotta Paglicci

Paglicci grinding stone

Today the most common staple foods for human consumption consist of plant parts that contain significant amounts of energy-rich compounds, which are accumulated in the plants as energy resource. These compounds, produced by green plants through photosynthesis,

King Coal and the queen of subsidies

The window of opportunity for a global fossil fuel phase out is closing faster than expected: We experience a global renaissance of king coal. In particular poor but fast-growing developing countries are currently investing heavily in the

Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Improved Oral Bioavailability of Valsartan

The purpose of this study was to develop proliposomes and self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) for a poorly bioavailable drug, valsartan, and to compare their in vivo pharmacokinetics. Valsartan is used to treat high blood pressure, congestive heart failure,

Summary of: Screening for viral hepatitis prior to rituximab chemotherapy

There are an estimated 800,000-1.4 million people with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in the US. Patients with a low immune systems, such as cancer patients, are at an increased risk of reactivation of HBV if they have

Locoregional treatment versus no treatment of the primary tumour in metastatic breast cancer

Stage IV breast cancer is the state in which the cancer has spread to distant sites , for example , the brain, liver, lung, bones. Treatment for stages I to III of breast cancer include surgery, chemotherapy

Viscosity scaling in concentrated dispersions

What do water, motor oil, honey and mercury have in common? They are all liquids, and can thus all flow to take the shape of their container. It is however clear that these liquids are very different