Daily Archives:September 27, 2015

Abolition of mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation by itaconic acid

Macrophages are cells of the immune defence system. When they sense the presence of bacteria, one of their genes -called ‘Irg1’- switches on. As a consequence of this, macrophages start to produce and secrete a substance called

Tryptophan metabolism in pregnancy


The amino acid tryptophan (Trp) is essential for protein synthesis and produces many important chemicals in the body, including: serotonin in brain which controls appetite, behaviour, cognition, emotion and mood; melatonin in the pineal gland which controls

Confirming Aluminum Homocatenation

The capacity of atoms to form bonds with themselves producing chain-like structures, so called atomic homocatenation, plays an important role in the life formation. Carbon is capable of forming very long chain in the CnHn+2 alkanes. Other