Tag Archives:networks

How do people perceive social cohesion, and are their perceptions in line with “reality”?

How do people perceive social cohesion. Atlas of Science

Social relationships are indispensable in our everyday lives. We depend on our friends, family and acquaintances for a great deal of support. We ask them for advice, to help us with practical tasks or to listen to

Fullerene-containing networks via light induced crosslinking

During the last years, fullerenes have been widely studied in the field of optoelectronic materials due to their interesting electrical properties. Fullerene, also known as Buckminster fullerene, is a pure carbon molecule composed of 60 atoms of

Mapping red nucleus connections in humans by using dMRI and tractography

Human brain is an enormous and complex network. Central to current scenario on brain networks is the concept of the connectome, which likely describes patterns at multiple levels of scale, for instance, by encompassing connections between the