Tag Archives:microbiology

16th International Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology Conference. Vienna, Austria. May 21-23, 2018

Conference Series Ltd takes immense pleasure & feels honoured in inviting the contributors across the globe to attend “16th International Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology Conference” to be held during May 21-23, 2018 at Vienna, Austria on the

Dining at extraordinary locations: new species of bacteria on fatty diet

Birds are among the most popular organisms on earth. Their majestic appearance, lovely songs as well as the ability to fly have always thrilled people making them one of the most thoroughly investigated classes of the animal

How do bacteria divide and multiply?

Bacteria interact with our bodies every day, resulting in both positive and negative outcomes. We rely on the billions of beneficial bacteria in our microbiome to support our digestion and immunity. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria

Synthetic biology competition inspires young microbiologists to change the world

Synthetic biology is a rapidly expanding area of science that incorporates engineering principles to design and build biological processes for useful and sustainable purposes. In addition, synthetic biology projects often incorporate expertise from the arts and humanities.