Tag Archives:microarray

Renal cell carcinoma: can we identify patients with advanced disease?

Kidney cancer is among the 10 most common cancers in both men and women with approximately 61,560 new cases and 14,080 deaths from this disease expected in 2015. Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most

The exploration of gene expression in Atlantic bluefin tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunus thynnus), the largest of the tuna species, is migratory top predator inhabiting the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Extremely well adapted to life in open waters, they are able to traverse

Genomic characteristics of miscarriage copy number variants

Miscarriage is a stressful event for couples and finding the cause is critical for closure and also future reproductive planning. Gains and losses of genetic material in the miscarriage are one of the possible causes of miscarriage