Daily Archives:December 5, 2016

CSF-1 receptor and its activators – new players in the nervous system and neurological disease

Macrophages, meaning big eater (from the Greek, makros (large) and phagein (to eat)), are cells, present in all tissues of the body, that engulf and degrade large foreign particles, such as microbes and also scavenge abnormal self

Antimicrobial peptides: the future of tuberculosis therapeutics?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a life-threatening disease that caused 1.2 million deaths, of a total 9.6 million new diagnosed cases, in 2014 alone, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO). These data rank TB on top

Listen up: Our brains prepare to ‘tune in’ to a voice of interest

A fundamental challenge of human communication is to understand what someone’s saying in the presence of background noise—for example, when several conversations occur at the same time. In these situations, accurate speech understanding relies on the critical

Functionalized metal-organic frameworks for hydrocarbon azeotropes’ energy economic separation

Remember the small yet eye-catchy “Pick 5 differences” column in your Sunday daily every week?! An arduous session of mental exercise used to follow thereafter, to recognize the minute alterations among the two rather similar snapshots. The