Tag Archives:health

Strain-specific growth of gut microbiota modulated with carbohydrate-rich-diet is relevant to host health

A growing number of studies have revealed that reversal of intestinal microbial dysbiosis via dietary intervention provides promising benefits to our health. Manipulation of gut microbiota to achieve optimum health benefits is attractive but realizing it precisely

Does subjecting health students to stressful scenarios better prepare them for real world practice?

Simulation is an education and training technique that allows students to practice in safe environments that replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. Simulation is often used to train undergraduates as it

Sick already? Job loss makes it even worse

There are good reasons to expect job loss to deteriorate health. It reduces available income and social contacts, might affect daily routines and social identity. Obviously, it seems unrealistic to assume health consequences of job loss to

A pill a day to prevent HIV? Successes and challenges of pre-exposure prophylaxis in the real world

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a pill composed of two antiretroviral drugs (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, or TDF/FTC) that prevents HIV infection. Numerous studies have now shown that when taken daily, this medication has the potential to

Antireductants – essential counterparts of antioxidants

The hype around ‘antioxidants for health’ largely overshadows the existence of antireductants. While antioxidants by definition decrease oxidative stress, antireductants decrease reductive stress (Fig. 1). Despite opposite reactivities, antioxidants and antireductants have in common that they are

Money is not enough for our health, but greater knowledge on how to spend it

It is well known that a low socioeconomic status is a major risk factor for health. Actually, deprived people do experience higher death rates and that is partly because of poor health behaviours (smoking, low exercise, poor

Lesbian and gay service members: life after don’t ask, don’t tell

Being lesbian or gay in the world is more difficult than being straight. People who identify as lesbian or gay are more likely to be rejected by their parents, families, friends and religious institutions, and are sometimes

Carbon isotopes – the chemist’s tool to trace marijuana cultivation environment

The lawful usage of marijuana is a complex legal minefield and point of conflict between states and the federal government. With the US Drug Enforcement Administration recently reaffirming marijuana as a Schedule I Drug, the cultivation, possession,

International study of parents’ experiences when their baby was diagnosed with a limb difference

Dysmelia is a group of rare diseases involving limb differences. Rare diseases are those which affect less than 1 in 2000 people, but around 8000 rare diseases exist altogether and over 50 million people in the USA

Refuge women’s resettlement in western countries

Global movement has become a fashionable phenomenon. While some decide to migrate voluntarily, others cross borders in haste to settle down in safe countries. Recent worldwide conflicts including war, political conflicts, and economic crisis speeded up the

Designing physical activity environments to include nature enhances positive physical and psychological benefits

Physical inactivity has been identified as a pressing health issue across the globe because has been directly related to mental and physical ill health. Insufficient physical activity (PA) is now the fourth leading underlying cause of premature

The challenge and impact of engaging hard-to-reach men in regular physical activity and health behaviours

Men from hard-to-reach populations frequently report poor health statistics and have therefore been highlighted as a particular area of concern for men’s health practitioners and professionals.It has been argued that participation in regular physical activity and engagement

Improving the care of lung cancer patients who need major surgery

We report the impact of several factors on procedure times for major lung surgery for cancer, focusing on staff turnover within the surgical team. We propose a new definition of surgical team turnover which allows us to

The heart’s own acetylcholine important in health and disease

Tissues and organs of our body are under the control of active chemical compounds. Hormons are released from endocrine glands and reach the targets with blood. Transmitters are released from the endings of nerve fibers. If the

Looking to lose weight in 2016? Step on the weighing scales

Using the latest connected-health technology, research from The University of Manchester indicates that the more often people engage with digital weighing scales, the more weight they lose. The more often people engage with digital weighing scales, the

Stressful childhoods lead to shorter adult height, but via different pathways for boys and girls

随着孩子长大成人,他们的脸妥协s between prolonging growth, and reaching milestones such as puberty and the start of reproduction. They respond to cues in their environment in order to choose the best compromise. In

A home-based portable instrument to monitor wellness and disease

In the past decade, a number of methods have been made available for health-conscious people designed with the purpose of monitoring wellness and disease information that may be obtained without visiting a conventional and centralized clinical laboratory.

Is there a place for Tooth Mousse in the prevention and treatment of early tooth decay?

Despite significant improvements in oral health over the past forty years, tooth decay remains one of the most common health problems worldwide. The level of tooth decay found in low income and socially-disadvantaged areas remains a public

Research from animal learning studies may help the elderly to follow medical recommendations

Adherence to treatment is how clinicians refer to the degree to which patients follow medical recommendations, and it is fundamental to improving health and quality of life. Lack of adherence to treatment may have dramatic consequences not

What predicts clinician dropout of a state-sponsored training program on best practices for improving children’s mental health?

In the U.S. , 1 in 5 children currently have or will have a serious mental disorder. State mental health systems care for many of these youth and are increasingly looking for ways to both improve the