Tag Archives:food

Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people

AoS. Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people.

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by filamentous fungi in food, especially because of water stress in the field or inadequate humidity and temperature in storage. Mycotoxins produce a toxic effect on animals and humans, from acute effects to

How processing types change the elemental composition of rice?

According to FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, world’s rice production reached 501.2 million tonnes in 2016-17 season, which is related to rice being a staple for 7 billion people. Asia is the

Marmosets know the meaning of a food call

Marmosets know the meaning of a food call. Atlas of Science

Vocalisations that alert group-living animals to a food source play an essential role in survival. Do some species make specific calls for particular types of food (i.e., referential signals) and are these calls produced with the intention

The ‘fundamental questions of obesity’: Asked and answered

Fundamental Questions of Obesity. AoS

Scientific progress requires the ability to discover which questions are essential and which are trivial. Yet until recently, there were three fundamental questions that were ignored in nutrition & obesity research: What is the defining characteristic of

Fear and knowledge of food: the new noumenic approach to consumer perception

The Noumenic Reasoning. AoS

The theme of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is very important for modern consumers, especially when they access novel foods. Future genetic modified organisms are probably to contain plants with improved fighting across plant disease or dryness, crops

Do the contents of mineral elements in Algerian spices useful for digestive diseases?

Seeds of Coriandrum sativum and Cuminum cyminum. AoS

The foods has become a major concern for producer and consumer, due to growing competition for the highly demanding in food product, in order to fetch high profit. Hence, recently there is growing numbers of researches in

Cyclodextrins in active packaging

Cyclodextrins in Active Packaging. Atlas of Science

Active packaging serves not only as passive barrier designed to delay adverse effects of the environment on the packaged item, e.g., food, but allows interaction between the packaged goods and the environment. It controls moisture, oxygen, may

Novel biosensors for the rapid detection of toxicants in foods

Different enzymes commonly used in biosensors

The specific objective of this monograph is mainly to exploit progress in nanosciences to deploy nanotechnology in affordable, mass-produced sensors, and to integrate these into components and systems (including portable ones) for mass market applications in environmental

Mediterranean diet and liver steatosis: the importance of polyphenols

In November 2010 UNESCO officially recognized the Mediterranean diet as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and defines it as a “set of traditional practices, knowledge and skills passed on from generation to generation, providing a sense

D-amino acid profile would be varied depending on the storage time of fermented food

Although the natural amino acids are dominated by l-amino acids, various fermented foods are known to contain many d-amino acids. The enantiospecific modulation of amino acids might be caused by fermentation bacterial metabolism during manufacturing and storage

A new approach to improving the nutritional profile of fats in food products

Solids fats such as butter, shortening, or hydrogenated vegetable oils are a ubiquitous component of foods which contain a significant portion of liquid oil structured by a high-melting fraction, or “hardstock”. Fats contribute to many of the

How sugar and fat affect our brain leading to a high blood pressure?

Obesity is a serious, chronic and pandemic disease that can have a negative effect on many systems in our body. People who are overweight or obese have a much greater risk of developing serious diseases including hypertension.

The gut balance solution to obesity

The gut hartbors trillions of microbes that support many critical functions throughout the body (Fig. 1.). These microorganisms collectively are called The Gut Microbiome and are mainly bacteria but are also known to contain yeasts, and even

Antireductants – essential counterparts of antioxidants

The hype around ‘antioxidants for health’ largely overshadows the existence of antireductants. While antioxidants by definition decrease oxidative stress, antireductants decrease reductive stress (Fig. 1). Despite opposite reactivities, antioxidants and antireductants have in common that they are

Children and the rejection of foods before tasting – the role of visual familiarity

Familiarity with different foods is one factor that has been proposed to explain childhood eating behaviours such as picky/fussy eating and the rejection of uncommon or novel food stuffs. Some research has suggested that this rejection of

Sex pheromones attract adults to sex, larvae to safe food

For over half a century we have regarded sex pheromones as powerful lures for male insects to female of the same species, but now we discover that the same molecules are also attractive for the larvae, which

Introducing legume-based ingredients in the niche food market

豆类是他们的健康benef广泛推广its, as they are packed with protein, fibre and rich in vitamins and minerals. At the recommended amount, consumption of legumes lowers the risk of developing heart disease, cancers and

How does exercise reduce the intake and preference for high fat, high sugar foods?

People gain weight because they eat too much food, particularly food with a lot of fats and sugars, and do not use the calories gained from food. In this case the energy intake is higher than energy

The fundament of food, crop protein production, is threatened by climate change

Income growth, urbanization, and changes in lifestyles and food preferences combined with continuing population growth lead to increasing demand for plant protein production worldwide. All the proteins we eat are produced by crops, including the proteins we

Do ready meals provide adequate nutritional value for the elderly?

The UK is the biggest market for ready meals in Europe, and the single elderly rely more on ready meals than any other group in British society. But do these meals provide adequate nutritional value? A recent