Monthly Archives:April 2022

T-cell subsets in HIV infection

AoS. T-Cell Subsets in HIV Infection

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that assaults the body’s immunologic system. If HIV is not tackled, it can eventually drive the organism to AIDS, which a dreadful condition known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In

Tracking mRNA in living cells using Pepper RNA aptamer

Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are a class of biomolecules that are generated in the nucleus to carry genetic information from the nucleus to different parts of the cells for making functional proteins. Because of their importance, mRNAs’ trafficking

If you are cold, what two cold-sensitive ion channels TRPM8 and TRPA1 do?

AoS. If you are cold, what two cold-sensitive ion channels TRPM8 and TRPA1 do

Human and animals are capable of perceiving temperature stimuli due to the presence in the body of specialized sensory neurons in the peripheral and central nervous system. The sense of ambient and internal temperature is necessary to

Clinically utilized nalfurafine combined with naltrexone prevents excessive alcohol drinking and “relapse”

AoS. Clinically utilized nalfurafine combined with naltrexone prevents excessive alcohol drinking

Alcohol addiction poses massive public health costs [~15 million adult alcoholics with economic cost > $200 billion/year in the US]. Pharmacological studies in rodents have demonstrated that kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) agonists decrease alcohol drinking and reward. However,