Tag Archives:rats

3D-bioengineered human amniotic membrane scaffold for improvement of wound healing in diabetic rats

AoS. 3D-bioengineered human amniotic membrane scaffold.

In the tissue engineering context, attention to the biological scaffolds due to the safety, efficacy, and bio-mimicity was discussed. Among the natural scaffolds, human amniotic membrane (HAM) has shown to be promising and has been used for

暴食增加compulsivity through dopamine mechanisms in the oval bed nucleus of the stria terminalis

暴食增加compulsivity through dopamine mechanisms. AoS

Binge eating is a common feature of disordered eating and the defining characteristic of binge eating disorder (BED), the most prevalent of all eating disorders. Binge eating, with or without a psychiatric diagnosis, is a likely contributor

Myocardium contractility: effects of subchronic lead intoxication in rats

Myocardium contractility. AoS

A moderate subchronic lead intoxication was observed in outbred male rats after repeated intraperitoneal injections of lead acetate during 5 weeks. Half of so exposed and control rats where given a calcium preparation with fodder. The next

Genetic and non-genetic animal models for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous group of neurobehavioral problems with genetic and environmental origins. The major neurobehavioral changes are manifested by persistent deficits in social and communication interaction, deficits in developing, understanding and maintaining relationships,