Tag Archives:cochlea

Gap junction assembly mechanisms in the cochlea

Gap junction assembly mechanisms in the cochlea. AoS

Hearing loss is the most common congenital sensory deficit. About 1-3 in 1000 children are affected at birth or during early childhood by severe hearing loss, which is defined as prelingual deafness, with at least half of

Inner ear damage affects brain chemistry

Our ability to hear is brought about by the function of our ears. Besides the visible external ears, we have middle and inner ears. Our left and right inner ears, called cochleas (singular cochlea), translate sound vibrations

A method that may raise hope of developing new treatments for Meniere’s disease and other inner ear disorders with hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness

Disorders of the inner ear are rather common and may lead to dizziness, tinnitus and loss of hearing. Several of those disorders may include an increased swelling, i.e. hydrops, of parts of the inner ear as a