
患有脊髓损伤和神经退行性疾病如帕金森氏病、肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(Lou Gehrig 's disease)和多发性硬化症的患者对细胞移植疗法寄予厚望。移植的成功取决于供体细胞能否完全融入受体的神经组织。然而,移植细胞的存活和整合往往很差,并且被认为是被疤痕组织所抑制,疤痕组织是神经细胞损伤或丧失的反应,由称为胶质细胞的细胞产生。因此,神经胶质瘢痕被认为是神经系统细胞移植成功的主要障碍。目前的做法是通过细管将细胞直接输送到神经组织中,其想法是将细胞放置在尽可能靠近神经细胞丢失部位的地方。这种传递方法被称为神经细胞内移植(图1)。



我们开发了听觉系统神经损伤的新模型,并描述了神经胶质疤痕的发展,以复制人类患者神经损伤的长期过程。然后我们通过神经内移植将细胞植入听神经。在细胞移植前后测量了大脑对声音的反应,以及移植细胞与大脑神经细胞之间的联系,以及与内耳感觉毛细胞之间的联系。结果令人失望。大多数细胞在几周内死亡,没有听力恢复的迹象。然而,我们注意到,一些洒在胶质疤痕表面的细胞似乎自己迁移到了神经中并存活了下来。这个偶然的观察结果让我们重复了这个实验,但改变了传递方式,让胶质疤痕保持完整,并把细胞放在表面。我们称这种方法为“表面移植”(图1)。许多细胞随后进入神经组织,显然再现了它们在发育过程中的行为要素。令我们惊讶的是,它们与耳中的听觉细胞和后脑中的细胞形成了功能联系。大脑对声音反应的恢复提供了听觉通路重新连接的证据。 Our results provide hope for patients who might benefit from nerve cell transplantation. They show not only that the glial scar contains critical structural cues and chemical signals for nerve regeneration but also that cells can be transplanted with minimal further damage to the nerve tissue. This therapy could be used to maintain or regrow a healthy auditory nerve in people receiving cochlear implants, which work best when there is an intact auditory nerve to send signals from the implant to the brain. It’s also likely that the ultimate goal of restoring natural hearing will require that both hair cells and auditory nerve cells are regenerated, so this therapy could be of more use further down the line. Furthermore, this breakthrough could impact on patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, for whom suitable donor cells may be applied to the surface of degenerated anterior roots of the spinal cord to restore lost motor function. Similarly, surface transplantation of appropriate motor neuron precursors may ameliorate neurological deficits due to poliomyelitis. Transplanted cells extended nerve processes deep in the brainstem, which means that the technique might be widely applicable, including treatment of nerve damage in deeper locations within the nervous system.


Sekiya T, Holley MC, Hashido K, Ono K, Shimomura K, Horie RT,滨口K, Yoshida A, Sakamoto T, Ito J

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