Tag Archives:twins

Are identical quantum twins distinguishable?

Entanglement in ordinary and no-label approaches

For twins, the identity is a “yes” or “not” intrinsic property: they can be identical (monozygous) or non-identical (heterozygous). Classical identical twins can always be distinguished (at least by their mother!). In fact, it is always possible

Alcohol and prostate cancer risk

In a large follow-up study, we found that heavy regular alcohol consumption and binge drinking during midlife were associated with a significantly increased risk of prostate cancer risk. Specifically, men who were heavy drinkers (>14 drinks/week) were

Birth weight is not solely determined by genetic code

It is believed that genetic information carried by our DNA determines our metabolism and how we look. This is especially true for identical twins. The incidence of identical twins is around one in every 200 deliveries. Although

Cancer risk in opposite-sex and same-sex twins

Twin pregnancies are characterized by simultaneous development of two fetuses that share the womb. An interest in opposite-sex (OS) twins, twin pairs consisting of one male and one female, comes from animal studies that showed that exposure