Tag Archives:智能手机

Just a click away: smartphone apps can improve mental health

Just a click away: smartphone apps can improve mental health. AoS

Within the past decade, smartphones have been assimilated into the personal, social, and occupational routines of a significant proportion of people around the globe. In fact, previous reports show that more than half of the Western population

TussisWatch: a smartphone system to identify cough episodes as early symptoms of chronic diseases

Variance Trends for Different Subsets and Two Levels of Validation

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) are progressive diseases and often the terminal stage of heart and lung disease, leading to death and disability. Both of these diseases may manifest with similar conflicting

Detecting anthrax in the palm of your hand: applications of a smartphone microscope

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterial pathogen that causes the disease anthrax. In 2001, B. anthracis was used in a bioterrorism attack in the United States that resulted in 22 individuals becoming infected, 5 of whom died as