Tag Archives:sarcoidosis

Unraveling the enigma of sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an uncommon, genetically-conditioned disease, affecting primarily the lungs. Most cases resolve spontaneously. It is defined by a systemic granulomatous response (SGR) of unknown cause. A granuloma is a distinctive mixed-cellular immune response that reflects failure

Occupational causation of sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an uncommon disorder of unknown cause characterized by widespread granulomas, a distinctive tissue response resembling that caused by tuberculosis. A number of articles have appeared within the past few years inferring occupational causation based on

Treatment of sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an uncommon, poorly understood disorder that most often affects the chest. Its cause is unknown. While the outcome is, in general, favorable, a small number develop scarring of the lungs (fibrosis), which, if extensive, will