Tag Archives:radicals

Silicon based radical, radical ion, diradical and diradicaloid

The chemical behavior of a transition metal is extremely different when compared with that of a characteristic main group element. The former is prone to remain cationic while the latter prefers to attain a closed shell electronic

Muscling in on molecular machines

The concept of a “power stroke” – a free-energy releasing shape change of a protein – appears in almost every textbook that deals with the molecular details of muscle, bacterial flagella, and many other bio-molecular machines. Researchers

Searching for magnetic sense inside living cells

Some molecules can absorb light and become excited. These excited molecules are often capable of undergoing chemical reactions that unexcited molecules cannot. Nature makes extensive use of these “photochemical reactions” and uses them to achieve some of

Understanding phosphorus-centered radicals for a sustainably phosphor chemistry

Organo-phosphorus compounds are widely used in different fields of application from the production of pharmaceuticals to other valuable chemicals. A major problem of the use of organo-phosphorus compounds is the production of these compounds starting from the

Net Spin Transfer in Polymer Depolymerization

Depolymerization plays an particularly important role in the synthesis of novel macromolecule materials form recycled monomers, but it could also be influenced by multiple factors, especially the experiment conditions which makes analysis difficult to the polymer depolymerization.