Tag Archives:psychoactive

Monitoring of the consumption of new psychoactive substances in wastewater from Athens

Licit and illicit drug use monitoring is an important subject for public health. Almost every substance that people consume is excreted as parent compound and as metabolites via urine and faeces and ends up in the sewage

New psychoactive substances: metabolites of synthetic cathinones induce cytotoxicity in human neuronal cells

New psychoactive substances. AoS

Recently, a large number of novel psychoactive substances (NPSs) have appeared on the European market. Their growing diffusion has become matter of worldwide concern and alarm for public health authorities, legislators, and clinical health specialists. They are

Antidepressants associated with falls in Parkinson’s patients

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects mobility and is commonly characterized, in advanced stages of the disease, by instability and falls. Falls are a major reason for hospitalization in Parkinson’s patients and may lead