Tag Archives:periodontal disease

Gum disease matters!

Periodontal diseases are abnormal processes affecting the gum, mostly gingivits and periodontitis. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum, and periodontitis occurs when this inflammation progresses deeper into the gum affecting tooth support. Teeth are anchored to

Association between periodontal disease and erectile dysfunction

Chronic periodontitis is a common inflammatory condition of infectious origin that affects the supporting periodontal tissues (including cementum, gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) resulting in bone loss and, if left untreated, in tooth loss. In the

A novel micro-injector for micro injection in dental application

Micro-injection technology is widely used in clinical surgery. Herein, periodontal disease is to be a starting point, we will develop a novel micro-injector carrying bone graft substitutes for repairing bone defect to minimizing the patient’s discomfort. Periodontal