Tag Archives:medication

Do people want to participate in decisions concerning their medicines?

Do people want to participate in decisions. AoS

Health and medication literacy are important factors linked to the outcomes of medical treatment (Table 1). Health literacy has been assessed in several countries all over the world and has been found to be limited. The level

Glucosamine reduces the need for pain medications in osteoarthritis, but the correct formulation is essential

For osteoarthritis, drugs that can delay disease progression have the potential to reduce the need for additional pain medications. But be careful which drug you chose: this effect is only shown with the prescription patented crystalline glucosamine

TGFbeta signalopathies as a paradigm for translation medicine

Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a disorder that affects different organ systems, such as the heart, aorta, eyes and the skeleton. Typically MFS patients present with tall stature, hands with long fingers, chest deformity. One of its most

A formula for better asthma, cold and heart medications

Imagine that you had found a way to drop the dose of your asthma medication ten-fold, increase its duration of activity from a couple of hours to all day, and still get the same relief as before.