Tag Archives:lithium

4-PBA improves lithium-induced diuresis by attenuating ER stress

The Kidney regulates body water and sodium balance. The kidney produces approximately 180L of primary glomerular filtrate per day in a healthy adult. The majority of this filtrate is reabsorbed in the segments of kidney through water

Nanoscale engineering of heterostructured anode materials for boosting lithium ion storage

Rechargeable lithium ion batteries (LIBs), as one of the most important electrochemical energy storage devices, currently provide the dominant power source for a range of devices including portable electronic devices and electric vehicles due to their high

How can lithium prevent stroke – Is the inner cell layer of our vessels the key?

Since decades, lithium is one of the most effective drugs for psychiatric diseases such as bipolar disorders; but lithium has a narrow therapeutic window. This means that lithium concentration in patients’ blood should be kept in a