Tag Archives:life expectancy

Health damage of smoking among Palestinian men in the West Bank

Life expectancy and expected life time without and with chronic disease at age 15. Men, West Bank, 2010

The high smoking prevalence of more than 40 % among men living on the West Bank of the occupied territories is a major challenge for the Palestinian health authorities although the prevalence is lower in the Gaza

Acting in mechanisms of aging to delay/prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a severely debilitating and ultimately fatal brain disorder, affects millions worldwide. To date, clinical efforts to find a cure or adequate treatment have met with dispiriting failure. The disease is now on an ominous

Trends in expected lifetime without and with activity limitations in Denmark

In Denmark life expectancy has increased since the mid-1990s after many years of stagnation. Moreover, during the past more than 20 years expected lifetime in good health among older Danes increased more than life expectancy. The multiplicity

Undertreatment of men in their seventies with aggressive prostate cancer

Prostate cancer may be cured by either surgery or radiation treatment, but these “radical treatments” often cause permanent side effects that negatively affect the quality of life. Small prostate cancers usually grow very slowly, so more elderly