Tag Archives:hand hygiene

Using AI to improve the quality and quantity of hand washing in hospitals

AoS. Using AI to improve the quality and quantity of hand washing in hospitals

Poor quality hand hygiene has been identified as the main contributor to the spread of hospital acquired infections. In the USA, they affect 2 million patients of which nearly 90,000 die. The cost of these infections is

Assessment of hand hygiene techniques

Hand hygiene is the most important to prevent the spread of infections associated with health care among patients tool. Wash hands using 5 moments recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the patient now it seems

The effect of different educational methods on nurses’ hand hygiene

Nosocomial infections are among the most important causes of morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients. Nosocomial infections have profound effects on patients, families, and healthcare systems. These infections increase length of hospital stay as well as mortality