Tag Archives:gas

Gas types affect stability of microbubbles and ultrasound mediated brain-targeted drug delivery

AoS. Gas types affect stability of microbubbles and ultrasound mediated brain-targeted drug delivery

Ultrasound (US) is used for clinical diagnosis and therapy. Microbubbles (MBs) as US-contrast agents are applied to detect micro blood flow or specific lesions. Recently, the combination of MBs and US has received much attention for drug

Risk of wildfire at wildland oil and gas facilities

Risk of wildfire at wildland oil & gas facilities. AoS

An ever-increasing exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources in wildlands along with an anticipated increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires (mostly due to climate change) can increase the risk of fire and explosions

Tailored-pore materials on polymeric membranes for gas separation

Separation operations in the chemical processes are the most energy and money consuming for the large industries and, therefore, one of the most important challenges for the chemical engineers to overcome now and in the next decades