Tag Archives:dysphagia

Taking medicines the right way: what do people with Parkinson’s do?

Many people with Parkinson’s have problems swallowing, but they need to take many medicines to lead an independent life. It is more important for people with Parkinson’s to take their medicines on time compared with other patient

The silent effects of heart surgery: voice and swallowing

心disease is a leading cause of death worldwide. Heart surgeries saves thousands of lives a year but can be lengthy and complex. During surgery, many patients require prolonged periods of intubation and coronary bypass (mechanical support

Aryepiglottic fold augmentation for late onset dysphagia after recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horse

Coughing and dysphagia are known post surgical complications following prosthetic laryngoplasty for laryngeal hemiplegia, subsiding with time in most cases. The author observed a delayed onset of dysphagia following this surgery in a small number of patients.

Viewing more than the tip of the iceberg: speech therapists learn to report on the whole of the swallow!

When we take a sip of our well-deserved cup of tea, it travels through our mouth, into our throat, passing our closed airway, through our food pipe and into our stomach. This process takes approximately 10 seconds.