Tag Archives:breast milk

Grandmothers’ breastfeeding stories to mothers: a knowledge translation gift


Breastfeeding is an ideal way to feed babies that promotes and protects health throughout life. In the Northwest Territories, Canada, in follow-up to a study from one region of the territory, we conducted a territory-wide study to

What’s really in human milk? Studying microbiota in a novel body site

Breastfeeding is the gold standard of infant nutrition as it reduces children’s risk of developing obesity, asthma, allergies, diabetes, and numerous other medical conditions. This has been historically understood by the fact that breastmilk is rich in

The risk of childhood eczema is associated with immune molecules in mothers breast milk

Maternal breast milk is the main source of nutrition during early life, which is a critical period for immune development of the child. Breast milk contains bioactive enzymes, hormones, growth factors and immune modulating factors, which are