Tag Archives:bioengineering

Soil and water bioengineering – Sustainable erosion solutions for the Mediterranean

AoS. Soil and water bioengineering

Accelerated soil erosion and loss is a serious environmental problem, particularly for the Mediterranean region, due to its long history of human pressures, seasonally contrasting climate and rugged topography. Anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, deforestation, urbanization and

Iron: it is all in the core

Iron is transported in the body using transferrin. AoS

Iron, the most abundant element on the Earth’s core, is an essential substance necessary for a number of reactions in the body which lead to the production of necessary energy allowing optimal function. Iron deficiency (ID) and

Bioartificial liver constructs

The liver with high regenerative capability performs a complex array of synthetic, metabolic, immunologic and detoxification functions to regulate the physiological homeostasis of the human body. Viral infections, drug induced liver injury, hepatocellular carcinoma, autoimmune disorders, alcoholic