Tag Archives:autism spectrum disorder

Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder

Mitochondrial Dysfunction In Autism Spectrum Disorder. AoS

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects ~2% of children in the United States. The etiology of autism spectrum disorder likely involves environmental factors triggering physiological abnormalities in genetically sensitive individuals. One of these major physiological abnormalities in children

The interaction between diet and gut bacteria in Autism Spectrum Disorder

The gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by millions of bacteria that live in a symbiont relationship with the human host. In recent years, researchers have discovered more and more that the gut bacteria can have effects on the

Do children with Autism Spectrum Disorder understand the representational meaning of the eye gaze?

Gaze following is crucial for human social cognition, this ability develops from a low-level perceptual mechanism to a representational one. In typical development, between 6 and 12 months, infants perceive the gaze as a directional cue that