
卵巢癌相对来说并不常见,但却非常致命。例如,美国每年大约有21万例新的乳腺癌病例,近4万名妇女死亡。相比之下,每年约有2.2万例卵巢癌新发病例,近1.4万人死亡。相应地,19%的妇女死于乳腺癌,63%死于卵巢癌。卵巢癌之所以如此致命,是因为其症状相对来说没有特异性,而且与乳房x光检查是一种敏感的筛查测试的乳腺癌不同,卵巢癌没有筛查测试。因此,在诊断时,四分之三的女性癌症已经扩散到远处,5年生存率为30%。然而,前景并不总是如此黯淡。有些女性的存活率是90%。造成这种显著差异的原因是卵巢癌不是一种单一的疾病,而是一组不同类型的癌症,它们表现不同,具有不同的病理特征,不同的遗传特征,需要不同的治疗方法。这里有两个假设的例子。 Mary is 40 years old and presented to her doctor complaining of bloating and fatigue that was present for a few months. Her mother had breast cancer and her aunt had ovarian cancer. Because of her family history, her doctor ordered a special genetic test which revealed that she carried a mutated gene (BRCA) which confers a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. She underwent radical surgery in which all of her reproductive organs and multiple tumors outside her ovaries were removed. After surgery she received chemotherapy. She was disease free for about a year but then developed recurrent tumor requiring additional chemotherapy; she eventually died from her disease 4 years after diagnosis. The other woman is Jane who is 59 years old and was found to have a large ovarian mass on a routine gynecologic exam. She underwent surgery and had her ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus removed. Even though the ovarian tumor was the size of a large grape fruit, she had no tumor elsewhere. She is alive and free of disease 8 years later and is considered cured.






Kurman RJ, Shih IeM
Am J Pathol. 2016年4月

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