
最近发表在《药理学研究》上的上述标题文章的主要焦点是对抗癌药物的重复和连续的耐药循环。官方manbetx手机版对为什么这么多(可能是所有)目前可用的抗癌药物最终失败有一个基本的了解,将提供重要的信息,有希望减少耐药性的发生。每个病人的癌症的独特和高度动态的性质意味着不同的治疗方法的应用,以达到最佳的反应。这些疗法,无论是化疗、放射线还是靶向药物(靶向药物,如吉非替尼通常用于特定的缺陷基因),通过不同的机制提供缓解。然而,对这些疗法的敏感性降低仍然是一个常见的主要问题,并且发生在癌细胞中。因此,我们的文章试图确定与耐药性密切相关的新模式和特征。根据我们实验室以及其他研究小组的几官方manbetx手机版项研究,细胞活性氧(ROS)水平的显著增加被认为与耐药性密切相关。ROS是自由基,可以参与体内的生化反应,并改变细胞的“正常”功能或过程。在大多数动物细胞中,线粒体是主要的“引擎室”,其任务是利用我们所吃的食物来产生能量。线粒体参与了许多代谢反应,以三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的形式提供能量,这是身体的能量“货币”。 Taking a step back, we know that a major difference between cancer and non-cancer cells involves differences in metabolism. As would be expected, cancer cells require more energy (ATP), and so device alternative ways of making adequate supply which is critical to the survival and progression of the defective tumor cells. Hence, accompanying such metabolic alterations is the corresponding rise in ROS. Findings from our study using a specific anti-cancer agent showed that the structure, as well as function of the mitochondria was adversely impacted in response to long-term treatments with the drug. Accompanying the mitochondria defect was significant increase in cellular ROS. Such sustained high level of ROS has several implications within the cell. For example, in addition to driving unregulated signaling events, ROS can affect other “normal” genes or processes within healthy cells, thereby setting off a cascade of chain-reactions that promotes tumor growth and progression. It is thought that these events may potentially contribute to drug resistance or failure.


Imoh S. Okon博士



Okon IS,邹MH

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