

图1所示。(a)中子散射实验示意图。中子(n0)从待研究的样品材料(S)中散射出来,被探测器(D)向不同方向散射后被检测到。(b)丙烷分子;黑色和白色的球体分别代表碳原子和氢原子。(c)计算机实验中使用的硅孔模型。棕色和红色的点代表硅原子和氧原子。孔可以看作是中心的空白空间。(d) (c)中充满丙烷分子的硅孔。(e)低温体积固态丙烷分子。本体固体状态下的丙烷分子排列有序,如(e)所示,而二氧化硅孔中的丙烷分子排列无序,如(d)所示。这种无序排列导致低温下二氧化硅孔中的丙烷呈玻璃状固态,如中子散射实验所示。

中子散射实验是研究分子运动的一种方法。在这些实验中,一束具有已知能量和动量的中子轰击在待研究的材料上。中子被材料中的分子散射并被探测到。这些中子散射的方向和散射前后传播速度的差异,分别编码了被研究材料中分子的结构安排和运动的信息。特别是,中子最容易被氢原子散射,因此中子散射特别适合于研究含有氢原子的材料中的分子运动。例如,当碳氢化合物被限制在二氧化硅材料的孔隙中时,就会发生这种情况。当孔隙中含有烃类流体的多孔二氧化硅样品保持在中子束的路径上时,中子主要被孔隙内的烃类流体散射。在最近的一项实验中,我们使用该技术研究了丙烷(一种碳氢化合物)在低温下(高达10 K)被限制在1.5 nm宽的二氧化硅材料孔中的行为。通常情况下,丙烷在温度达到85 K时保持液态,低于85 K时它会凝固,形成晶体。从密闭丙烷分子运动的中子散射实验得到的信息,我们可以得出结论,在二氧化硅孔的约束下,丙烷在80k的低温下保持液态。进一步降低温度至30k或增加压力至3kbar,密闭丙烷就会凝固。 However, the solidified confined propane behaves more like a glassy rather than a crystalline solid. To understand the origin of this behavior, we conducted computer experiments using molecular dynamics simulations. In these experiments, molecular models of the material being studied are made and equations of motion for molecules in this model are solved numerically to obtain molecular trajectories. These molecular trajectories are akin to molecular movies in which behavior of molecules can be seen as time evolves. The results of these simulations indicated findings similar to those in the experiments. Further, the simulations suggested that the glass-like behavior of confined propane results from a disordered structural arrangement of propane molecules inside the silica pores. This is in contrast to normal solid propane at low temperatures in which molecules are arranged in a very well-ordered pattern forming a crystal. This combined study using neutron scattering and computer experiments thus sheds light on the low temperature behavior of confined propane and may help us understand the low temperature behavior of confined fluids in general.



Gautam S, Kolesnikov AI, Rother G, Dai S, Qiao ZA, Cole D
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