
白血病是一种血液癌症,影响着成千上万的各个年龄段的人(包括儿童甚至婴儿)。治疗的毒性很大,而且常常不能治愈病人。白血病是由未成熟血细胞中发生的特定基因突变引起的。其中一个在白血病中经常发生突变的基因被称为“MLL”。突变的MLL基因失调多种途径,将正常细胞转变为癌细胞。其中一种途径被称为NF-kB。阻断小鼠体内的NF-kB通路可以治愈白血病,但迄今为止,开发一种安全有效地阻断患者体内NF-kB的药物仍是一个谜。用药物直接阻断NF-kB是很困难的。此外,NF-kB与许多系统和器官功能有关,任何地方阻断NF-kB可能是有毒的。NF-kB通路依赖于细胞中高水平的钙。 There are many way for cells to regulated how much calcium is available in the cells. Interestingly, prior research suggested that MLL-leukemia cells have a unique way of allowing high calcium levels in the cells, by using the calcium channel TRPM2. TRPM2 is not expressed in many other cells of the body. Research in cells suggested that blocking TRPM2 could be a ways to withhold calcium and block the NF-kB pathway specifically in leukemia cells. It was also suggested that blocking TRPM2 would make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy, while sparing normal cells. However, these experiments had relied on indirect techniques, and had not been tried in an entire organism. We asked whether disabling TRPM2 would delay or cure leukemia in an entire organism (not just in a dish), and whether it would make it easier to kill leukemia cells with chemotherapy. Unfortunately, we found this not to be the case. While disabling TRPM2 initial did produce to expected effect of blocking NF-kB, the leukemia cells quickly found a way around the block.




瞬时电位受体美拉西丁-2 (Trpm2)不影响小鼠ml - af9驱动的AML白血病发生或对化疗的体外反应。
Haladyna JN, Pastuer T, Riedel SS, Perraud AL, Bernt KM

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