

自然和生物多样性保护的预算是非常有限的,这不是什么秘密;因此,我们需要优先考虑保护工作。要做到这一点,了解地球上众多物种中哪些物种对提供我们人类赖以生存的生态系统服务最重要,将非常有帮助。然而,这是一项几乎不可能完成的任务,因为单个研究小组只能是地球上众多物种中的某些物种的专家,或者是我们需要大自然提供官方manbetx手机版的许多服务中的某些物种的专家。一个名为“生物多样性探索”的大型合作研究项目官方manbetx手机版,通过联合300名不同研究人员的努力,解决了这一重要的研究差距。这一联合努力提供了一个独特的数据库,测量了德国150个草原上的4600多个物种。测量的物种涵盖了地上和地下的整个营养链,从利用太阳能量固定二氧化碳的主要生产者(如植物)到以植物为食(食草动物)或其残留物(分解者)的物种,以及以后者为食的物种(食肉动物)。作者将这些物种分为地上生物和地下生物,以及普通物种(在给定地点非常丰富的物种)和稀有物种(在给定地点只有少数个体存在的物种)。这项由瑞士伯尔尼大学的Santiago Soliveres博士和Eric Allan教授领导的研究表明,地上稀有生物的多样性对于维持健康的生态系统尤其重要,这些生态系统可以提供高水平的食物供应、抗虫害能力或文化和娱乐服务,如观鸟。除了生物多样性在总体上的积极作用外,作者还确定了与许多生态系统服务的高水平相关的特别有影响力的物种。 These species are ubiquitous between the common and the rare species, and between those thriving above or belowground. What these important species have in common, instead, is their sensitivity to the intensification of land use. For example, they are very sensitive to the increase in fertilizer added by the farmer, or the amount of times that a grassland is mown throughout the year. Of course, mowing and fertilization are aimed at increasing the provision of food that each property generates; however, what this study shows, are the indirect costs that the intensification of agriculture will have for the helpful and positive work that nature does freely for us. The authors of the study also argue that their results could be used to restore degraded environments by identifying those species that can immediately promote relatively high levels of many ecosystem services and which establishment should be promoted first.

Santiago Soliveres Codina


曼宁Soliveres S, P, Prati D, Gossner MM, Alt F,阿恩特H,鲍姆加特纳V, Binkenstein J, K Birkhofer,布莱塞年代,Bluthgen N,卷,玻姆,Borschig C, Buscot F, Diekotter T,海因策J, Holzel N, K荣格,克劳斯VH,克莱恩,Kleinebecker T,总裁,克劳斯J,兰格M,莫里斯EK,穆勒J, Oelmann Y, Overmann J, Paš阿里ćE,雷纳SC, Rillig MC, Schaefer嗯,Schloter M,施密特B,肖恩,我Schrumpf M,西科尔斯基J, Socher SA萨利EF, Sonnemann我Sorkau E, Steckel J, Steffan-Dewenter我,Stempfhuber B, Tschapka M, t rke M, Venter P, Weiner CN, Weisser WW, Werner M, Westphal C, Wilcke W, Wolters V, Wubet T, Wurst S, Fischer M, Allan E

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