Monthly Archives:July 2019

Can tree rings be used as pollution bioindicator archives to reconstruct past environments?

Heavy metal contents in wound and bark

Trace heavy metal (HM) pollution over time and space is becoming a growing global problem, as many studies have confirmed that human activities have dramatically increased natural concentrations of metal pollutants in the last century. HM are

Development of the Japanese version of the Kinesthetic and Visual Imagery Questionnaire (KVIQ)

Internal consistency of the KVIQ-20/KVIQ-10

Motor imagery is commonly defined as the mental simulation of one’s own performance without any associated overt movement (Jeannerod M, et al. Behav Brain Sci. 1994). Previous studies have suggested that motor imagery increases motor skill acquisition

Rethinking drugs’ development in acute heart failure?

The ten drugs developed in AHF during the last two decades

Acute heart failure (AHF) affects 1-2% of adults in developed countries. It strikes mainly people above the age 60, peeking in those older than 85 (prevalence ~ 17.4%). AHF is a life threatening medical event, with gradual

Strategies to enhance antioxidant potential and biosynthesis of essential oils in Ajuga bracteosa

Strategies to enhance antioxidant potential

Essential oils are the plant-derived natural products and are called “essential” due to the essence of the distinctive fragrance they contain, specific to the fragrance of the respective plant from which they are derived. A large portion

Evolution of the art and science of kidney transplantation in HIV positive patients

Evolution of the Art and Science of Kidney Transplantation in HIV

Once considered prohibitive, kidney transplantation in HIV (+) recipients is achieving outcomes similar to comparable recipients without HIV. These successes are possible because of incremental improvements in care that resulted from lessons learned from the last two

Early – life seizures: alarm bell for often severe clinical outcome

EEG during sleep showing Burst-suppression pattern in 3 months infant with Ohtahara syndrome.

Early life seizures (ELS) are a not uncommon clinical manifestations in infancy affecting from 1.8 to 3.5/1000 live birth. In infancy with rare exception of seizures typically benign which include the Benign Familiar Neonatal Epilepsy (BFNE), Febrile