Monthly Archives:July 2017

What’s really in human milk? Studying microbiota in a novel body site

Breastfeeding is the gold standard of infant nutrition as it reduces children’s risk of developing obesity, asthma, allergies, diabetes, and numerous other medical conditions. This has been historically understood by the fact that breastmilk is rich in

Diving into cell membranes with advanced solid-state NMR methods: harnessing the power of protons

Membrane proteins act as the gateways of the cell. They are essential for the signalling between cells and for the uptake of nutrients; they constitute major drug-targets in human, and their malfunctions are related to severe diseases

DNA explosions in the evolution of Hawaiian flies: consequences and questions

The chromosome set of each species carries the organism’s DNA sequences or genome. Genomes of higher organisms contain the essential coding DNA, plus the typically more abundant noncoding DNA. This segment carries various repeated DNA sequences. The

Regulation of ER Ca2+ homeostasis by disulfide reductase

Intracellular calcium is one of the most important second messengers for the regulation of various cellular processes including protein secretion, muscle contraction, gene transcription, protein degradation and apoptosis. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is not only the organelle

The enigma of blood pressure variation

The circulation of blood throughout the body comes from the continuous rhythmic pumping action of the heart. Specifically, a pulsatile flow of blood happens when the blood within the heart is ejected out the left ventricle into