Daily Archives:June 20, 2017

Metal nanoparticles wire up nanowires for better battery materials

New materials are making advancements in higher power, longer life and faster charging batteries a reality. These improvements have been driven by the uptake in electric vehicles and a host of other applications that require long life

Acid Orange 7 photodegradation at Ni-foam/Sr1-x(La,Bi)xTiO3

Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) belongs to the perovskite family of compounds and is a very well-known oxide with high catalytic activity and high chemical and photochemical stabilities. In this research, we aimed to improve the SrTiO3 photocatalytic activity

Neuropetides and adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells improve peripheral nerve regeneration in animal model

Although autologous nerve grafting remains the gold standard for nerve gap repair, entubulation techniques with artificial nerve conduits are considered a promising approach to peripheral nerve reconstruction (Strauch, 2000). Advances in bioengineering have led to the creation