Daily Archives:January 23, 2017

Seeing the world in three dimensions, fast-but-rough and slow-but-accurate

When we perform a task, there is generally the tradeoff between the time taken to achieve the goal and the quality of the attained result. For example, when we solve a mathematical problem, we can quickly perform

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) diagnostics better to do in cultivated than native cells

Cancer is an age associated disease. In Western countries with people having longer life expectancies than e.g. 100 years ago, this means at present that 1-2% of those individuals are confronted with the diagnosis of leukemia during

ACTH deficiency in patients with suspected hypopituitarism: Choosing the right diagnostic test

The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. Often termed the “master-gland”, it secretes hormones which control growth, metabolism and fertility. Hypopituitarism is a clinical syndrome of deficiencies in one or