Daily Archives:January 18, 2017

A highly flexible and stretchable energy storage device

With rapid development of portable and wearable electronics, highly flexible and stretchable energy conversion and/or storage devices are required to be used as power sources. As one of the most important energy storage devices, supercapacitors (also called

Lessons from a small outbreak of poliomyelitis

The campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis, a paralytic viral neuroinfection, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1988, resulted in the drop of the disease incidence from several hundred thousands cases per year to less than one

IL-1 Receptor 8: a novel player in immunothrombosis

In addition to be a key component of blood hemostasis and coagulation, platelets have recently been implicated in thrombotic events associated with immune dysfunctions or inflammation. Platelets participate to innate immune responses and inflammation by releasing a

Multitasking in navigation in desert ants: combining multiple strategies

The highly social ants live in nests, and all their foragers must navigate their way home after finding food. Not surprisingly then, these small-brained travelers display proficient navigational prowess. Much studied are desert ants. They keep track