Daily Archives:March 9, 2016

Belching: How does it work?

The belch seems like a simple rapid act with no clinical significance, but many studies suggest otherwise. Although most of the belch response occurs over a period of less than two seconds, the belch is actually composed

What are new traits of Si-rhodamine self-assembly in the excited state?

‘In unity there is strength!’ This is also true in the molecular world. Nowadays, “self-assembly”, composed of a large number of one or multiple kinds of small molecules, has attracted considerable attention. That is because special traits

Salt marsh restoration reduces mercury methylation

In this paper we describe analysis of mercury in sediment cores collected from an area of land behind a dyke one year before, and one year after, it was intentionally breached as part of a managed retreat

照顾你的堆肥的more than garden fertiliser

Biologists look upon a pile of compost first of all as an extraordinary habitat of a wide range of different organisms: a microcosm of its own within the garden landscape. Gardeners in Europe are proud of “their”

Hormetic use of stress in gerontological interventions requires a cautious approach

Hormesis is a biphasic dose-response pattern in which the response at low doses is opposite to that at higher doses. According to the hormesis concept, a small dose of a potentially harmful agent can exert a beneficial

How plant virus hides from the host cellular degradation machinery

The main goal of obligatory viral parasites is to create the perfect environment for its multiplication. Therefore, the first step is to avoid degradation by the host cellular degradation. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is not

Melatonin and serotonin in psychiatric and brain disorders

Melatonin is well known as a treatment for jet lag, being naturally released by the brain when we close our eyes to go to sleep. However, recent research shows that melatonin is released by many, if not

Postgraduate studies (1978-1985) at the Medical School, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

医学院(Medicinski fakultet)在图兹拉,founded in 1976, initiated post-graduate studies program in 1978. The aim was to train future medical faculty for scientific research in pre-clinical and clinical disciplines. Most participants were physicians who

Rare disease day; 500 years ago

A rare disease is a life-threatening or chronically debilitating condition with a very low prevalence. Several institutions such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medical Agency (EMA) and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have put in place

Towards a nuclear weapons free world

The dream of a world without nuclear weapons has come a little closer to reality over the past three years, thanks to a renewed focus on the catastrophic humanitarian impacts of these worst of all weapons. Beginning