Daily Archives:February 11, 2016

Species are always important

This review is based on the premise that all species are important to life on earth even if the exact role or value of a species has not been formally documented. Recently, many surprising and unexpected roles

Binding study of fibrinogen and albumin to metal oxide nanoparticles and its relevance in nanomedicine

The binding of proteins to different inorganic surfaces plays an important role in natural processes such as the growth of bone tissue (protein-mineral interactions) and in biotechnological and biomedical applications. Recently, the binding of proteins to metal

Antibiotics: what patients don’t know

Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed and precious medicines we have. They cure infections if used correctly but overuse, underuse and usage errors pose risks to patients and the community. Risks include excess side effects, uncured

The behaviors of microplastics in the marine environment

Due to their inexpensive, lightweight and durable properties, plastics hold a highly prevalent place in contemporary society, with extensive commercial, industrial, medicinal and municipal applications. Most of plastics are used in single-use applications, or other short-lived products.

What’s in your water? Using DNA to keep drinking waters clean

Turn on a tap, and many of us will be greeted with safe and clean drinking water. This is something that people living in developed nations often take for granted, as contaminated drinking water is a significant

Light as a green tool in pharmaceutical approach: myths, reality and possibility

Daylight is an electromagnetic photo-radiation that comprises visible and ultraviolet lights. Since the beginning of creation and light is being used in both simple and complicated biological processes, for example plants use the light energy in the

Males who take citicoline show increased motor speed and attention

Citicoline is marketed as a nutritional supplement in the United States and has been shown to influence cellular metabolism in the brain and to contribute to the synthesis of essential neurotransmitters including acetylcholine and dopamine. Citicoline is

Human papillomavirus infection and vaccination

Human papillamoavirus (HPV) is an infection that can be sexually transmitted. A person can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with another person who has the virus. HPV infections are the most common sexually

Arrestin-enolase protein complex as a new auto antigen in heart disease

Over the past two decades, evidence of a pathogenic relevance of autoimmunity in human heart disease has increased significantly. A central role for autoimmunity in a significant proportion of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) patients is supported by the