Daily Archives:October 29, 2015

Bio-coordination of bismuth in Helicobacter pylori tells the inhibitory mechanisms of metallodrugs

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), the dominant bacterial pathogen in human stomach, is the leading risk factor for the development of gastric cancer and is now infecting over half of the worlds’ population. Bismuth compounds have been used

Vaccines and autoimmunity

The human immune system (and of other animals as well), have been developed historically to prevent infections by invading microorganisms, bacteria, viruses etc. This system is not supposed to react against the components of the body itself.

Regulation of mediator’s expression and chemotaxis in mast cells

The increasing prevalence of inflammatory diseases worldwide underlines the importance to study the molecular mechanisms leading to these disorders. Recent genome-wide association studies based on large group of patients and healthy controls revealed candidate genes, which are