Tag Archives:screening

Predictive safety assessment of engineered nanomaterials

With the rapid development and numerous applications of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in science and technology, their impact on environmental health and safety should be considered carefully. This requires an effective platform to investigate the potential adverse effects

Harbinger of increased prostate cancer risk: The effect of decreased prostate cancer screening

Harbinger of Increased Prostate Cancer Risk. Atlas of Science

Since the introduction of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as a blood test in 1992, the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer increased dramatically. Because PSA detects men who are asymptomatic two things occurred. First, many of the

Listening to identify and improve communication in individuals with hearing loss

People with poor hearing may not realize their condition or the impact on their life. They can feel anxious, depressed, isolated, misunderstood or embarrassed, but when this information is not shared, their diagnosis is delayed. About 17%

Prostate-specific antigen 1.5: The new screening protocol

Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in American men. Tragically, once the disease is spread beyond the prostate gland, therapies become very limited and survival is poor. Like other cancers, prostate cancer can recur

Which healthcare providers are more likely to screen women for domestic violence?

At least one in four U.S. women experience intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime. Victims often need intensive physical, emotional, and financial services to recover from their abuse. Early and careful screening could reduce suffering, disability

Family, cholesterol and the genes from the ground up or why screening matters

In 1913, the “cholesterol theory” of atherogenesis was proposed. In the 1930s a genetic disorder, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), which is associated with elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high risk of heart attack at an

Animal-free platforms for the efficient and accurate prediction of kidney toxicity in humans

Tens of thousands of chemicals are used in food, cosmetics and consumer products. In addition, humans are exposed to drugs and environmental toxicants. Safety testing based on animals is too slow and too costly for screening the

Screening breast MRI in patients with personal history of breast cancer

这项研究看着病人a personal history of breast cancer diagnosed at a premenopausal age to see if having screening breast MRI provided a benefit to the patient. Patients with a personal history of

Lowering the burden of liver disease in the UK: a blueprint for change

肝脏疾病是premat的第三大原因ure death in the UK and the number of deaths from liver disease is on the rise (Fig. 1). People can develop liver disease for a number of reasons

Diminished disease-free survival following lung cancer surgery

Treatment of lung cancer requires removal of a portion of a vital organ, which may reduce life expectancy. This would be acceptable when surgery prevents death from cancer. It is harmful in cases identified by screening in

A simple method for the Study of Acid Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) by fluorescence

The presence of severe acidosis has been demonstrated to be associated to several pathological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, brain trauma, spinal cord injury and epilepsy as well as in inflammatory pain, to cite the most relevant.

It is time to stop screening all women with mammography based on age alone

The early detection of breast cancer by mammography has been promoted in the Western world for decades, usually for all women 40-70+. Mammography involves an x-ray of the breasts while under compression. While mammography screening was once